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Circle Internet集團正在百慕大擴大其令牌金融服務。

根據公司的新聞發布會,公司將根據其現有的數字資產商業法案將Hashnote令牌化的貨幣市場基金帶到其現有的數字資產業務法律許可下。市場資金的功能類似於傳統資金,但在區塊鍊網絡上以數字資產表示。 Because they exist in digital form, investors can buy and sell shares of these funds more easily.

Circle plans to integrate USYC with USDC (USDC), its widely used stablecoin, allowing users to move between them seamlessly.

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Circle自2021年以來在BMA的監管框架下在百慕大運營。該公司的首席執行官傑里米·阿萊爾(Jeremy Allaire)表示,百慕大的數字資產法規方法使其自然適合Circle不斷擴大的令牌化貨幣市場運營。 

By linking USYC to USDC, Circle aims to offer a more flexible way for institutions to access liquidity while earning yield from USYC’s underlying assets, which include U.S. Treasuries and other short-terminvestments.

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