Texas Judge: YouTube blogger Coffeezilla should not shy away from internet celebrity Logan Paul's lawsuit against CryptoZoo
2025-03-28 15:02 5,244
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A Texas district magistrate said influencer Logan Paul should be allowed to continue filing lawsuits alleging that YouTuber named "Coffeezilla" made defamatory remarks against Paul's failed CryptoZoo project.
In a report filed in San Antonio Federal Court on March 26, Magistrate Judge Henry Bemporad suggested that federal judge Orlando Garcia, who oversees the case, dismiss Stephen Findeisen's request to dismiss Paul's lawsuit because Fendisen's claim is more like facts than “pure viewpoint.”
“Bemporad wrote: “In the plea and defense phase, the plaintiff [Paul] has fully accused the controversial remarks in this case of reasonable defamation and not an unprovocative view.