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GOTBIT創始人Aleksei Andriunin的認罪協議將要求他沒收約2300萬美元的Stablecoins。 If approved, he could avoid prison time and additional fines.

Andruinin and the U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts have reached a plea agreement that would have him forfeit $23 million in cryptocurrency assets.

According to official court documents, Andruinin has pleaded guilty to one count of market manipulation and two counts of wire fraud.由於他的起訴,他最初面臨20年的監禁或更長時間。但是,如果他的認罪交易獲得批准,則做市商Gotbit的創始人只會被監禁長達24個月,然後進行36個月的監督釋放。



聯邦檢察官估計指控可能導致罰款500,000美元,或者是從罪行中獲得或損失的兩倍。 Andruinin would also be subject to restitution and asset forfeiture penalties, including up to five years of probation.

Read more: US indicts 26-year-old Gotbit founder for market manipulation

“Defendant agrees to assist fully in the forfeiture of the above assets. Defendant agrees to promptly take all steps necessary to pass clear title to the above assets to the United States,” stated Lead B. Foley from the U.S. Attorney office within the文檔。

作為交易的一部分,安德魯因蛋白同意沒收USDT(USDT),價值將近1400萬美元。 iftrent加密錢包地址。此外,GOTBIT創始人還將放棄大約900萬美元的USDC(USDC),並保留在兩個加密錢包中。總體而言,Andruinin將從四個單獨的錢包中移交約2300萬美元的穩定蛋白。

文檔中,雖然這些資產被列為Gotbit Consulting LLC的財產,但這些錢包是由Andruinin在Gotbit上控制的,因此在GotBit的Consents上均由Andruinin Consents Candents,因此在上面的firtition中,

Gotbit是美國檢察官在針對市場的第一個刑事起訴中指控的四家公司之一加密行業的操縱和假交易。其他三家公司是ZM Quant,CLS Global和MyTrade。

關鍵字: 區塊鏈