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鍊鍊基金會資助Tharsis Labs開放
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鍊鍊基金會資助Tharsis Labs開放

The Interchain Foundation is funding the Tharsis Labs team to release an open-source evmOS, the Ethereum-compatible layer 1 solution targeted at boosting interoperability between Ethereum and Cosmos.

The funding will see Tharsis Labs open-source evmOS, bringing Cosmos’ (ATOM) functionality to users on the Ethereum (ETH) network.


通過EVMOS,開發人員可以使用Cosmos軟件開發套件來構建EVM驅動的分散應用程序和鏈條。 Interchain Foundation表示,Tharsis Labs將在Apache 2.0許可下開源以太坊虛擬機器兼容軟件。

在這種情況下,ICF Will Will Will Will Will Will fork Evmos的技術並將其重命名為IT Cosmos EVM,這將允許Cosmos Ecosystem Secmos Ecosystem的管家的管家繼續進行項目的開發。


Cosmos EVM將是鏈堆棧的一部分,並在鍊鍊實驗室團隊下建造。 

“We feel this is the right thing for the community for the longevity of the code we’ve developed, and are excited about the ICF’s support of this. I look forward to contributing to this next phase in a strategic advisory role,” said Federico Kunze Küllmer, co-founder ofevmOS and representative of Tharsis Labs.

According to the ICF, an open-source provenance will see further integration在分叉的技術堆棧中,為空間帶來了無許可的創新。 EVMOS作為宇宙目標的主要EVM解決方案的整合,例如跨鏈通信以縮放Defi應用程序。

儘管獲得了EVMO的資金和分支,ICF仍表示它仍然承諾對Projec的路線進行。 AP。除了以太坊的兼容性外,鍊鍊基金會旨在將EVMO構建到解決方案中,所有列車網絡都可以利用新的Web3採用。說。

去年7月,LayerZero Labs與Initia Labs合作,獲得了宇宙的互操作性標準。該協作旨在將Omnichain互操作性帶到Cosmos SDK和啟用LayerZero的連鎖店。

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