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隨著比特幣儲量增長23%同比,Hive Digital份額上升
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隨著比特幣儲量增長23%同比,Hive Digital份額上升

該公司宣布比特幣儲備的同比增長23%後,Hive Digital的股票躍升了。

加拿大加拿大加密貨幣礦業公司Hive Digital已發布了2月份的生產業績,表明其比特幣(BTC)持有量增長了20%以上。 In a March 9 press release, the Vancouver-headquartered company said it had mined 89 BTC, increasing its HODL portfolio to 2,620 BTC, valued at around $220 million.

While the company’s Bitcoin holdings increased by 23% YoY, its month-over-month crypto holdings saw a decline, though HIVE Digital didn’t disclose the amount of Bitcoin sold during the月份。您可能還會喜歡:加密礦工Hive Digital的股票在新聞後的比特幣儲備金中飆升263%,而Hive Digital股價在納斯達克股票的數據後增長了4.76%至2美元。隨著羅森布拉特(Rosenblatt)調整了其對Hive Digital的前景,預測範圍從$ 4.80到$ 7.13的範圍。 The average price target represents an increase of nearly 200%, per the firm.

HIVE Digital chief executive Aydin Kilic says the company is focused on executing a “transformative year” that would position the company as “one of the largest and most efficient Bitcoin miners in the world,” adding that HIVE’s 300 MW expansion in Paraguay to 4x its hashrate from 6 EH/s to 25 EH/sby September 2025年“保持正軌”。 Hive表示,它希望最終確定BITFARMS在第1季度的200 MWYguazú網站的戰略收購25。

閱讀更多:Hive Digital以5600萬美元的價格購買Bitfarms的Paraguay網站,目標25 EH/S by Q3
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