財富經理Bitwise Bitwise已向美國證券和交易委員會提交了Securities和S-1表格的註冊,以列出Aptos(APTO)(APT)交易所交易所交易所的股票。在上週的特拉華州註冊後,該申請被稱為“位於Bitwise Aptos ETF”的實體。
Aptos Crypto憑藉市值超過38億美元的資本化的第36大代幣,並為成千上萬的用戶和開發人員提供1層的區塊鏈技術。 BITWIESS借鑒了APT的銷售型號,以在六個瑞士交易所上推出Aptos Staking ETFS,使歐洲投資者可以通過受監管的車輛賺取加密貨幣收益率。
您也可能會喜歡:以太坊Devs在塞波利亞a del del del del del for petra for hotfix fin比特幣(BTC)和以太坊(ETH)之外的加密ETF應用程序的應用命中了SEC員工,因為美國當局似乎為更友好的加密法規奠定了基礎。
,以利用這一轉變,類似dogecoin(do)和(do)和(xrpp)和xrpp)和(x.xrppe)的企業對eTF的企業進行了測試。發行人還提出了ETF請求Litecoin(LTC)和Solana(Sol)基金。 No one knows if these products will reach Wall Street’s market, but the new Republican SEC leadership, under President Donald Trump, could steer the regulator toward a more flexible approval streak.
So far, the SEC has ended several cases against top industry service providers like Coinbase and created a new Crypto Task Force to repair relations with the blockchain industry.
Read more: Bitcoin open interest marks 4-month low as volatility persists