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關於以太坊的新研究表明,儘管以太坊(ETH)轉向了股權證明和提議者 - 建築機分離(PBS)的採用證明(ETH),但目前約有80%的Etherum Blocks,目前只有兩個eNTERICE,目前只有兩個塊,但大約80%的Ethereum Blocks佔80%。這種濃度破壞了網絡的分散基礎,並允許這些實體持有最大可提取值的大部分(MEV)。

擬議的解決方案將從根本上改變以太坊的塊創建過程。所有以太坊客戶(例如Geth和Nethermind)將使用相同的隨機算法來從其本地Mempools中選擇交易和滾動斑點。 ITH 2億美元的加薪,Ethena Labs NABS 1億美元

此隨機分組將確保沒有實體可以預測或控制交易訂購。 As per the research, this could effectively eliminate block-level MEV such as arbitrage and front-running opportunities.

This approach could potentially reduce Ethereum’s current 12-second slot time to 6-8 seconds while supporting Danksharding’s future roll-up requirements.

Decentralization report comes amidst Ethereum leadership changes

The timing of this research coincides with leadership changes at the Ethereum Foundation.核心開發人員蒂姆·貝科(Tim Beiko)將這些轉變描述為“以太坊歷史上最重要的轉折點之一”。雖然很明顯很多事情需要改變以太坊才能贏得勝利,這很容易過度正確,並且…

- timbeiko.eth(@timbeiko)2025年3月1日

貝科(Beiko)讚揚任命了hsiao-wei wang和tomasz stanczak作為以太坊基金會的聯合執行者。 He described it as striking “the right balance” between optimization and preserving Ethereum’s core values.

Wang brings seven years of experience as an Ethereum researcher with contributions to the beacon chain, while Stanczak offers his background as a developer and organizational leader at Nethermind.

“While it’s clear that many things need to change for Ethereum to win, it’s easy to overcorrect and kill the magic in search最大優化,” Beiko寫道。他建議這些領導力的變化將幫助以太坊保持“與OG價值觀的基礎,同時保持與新移民相關。 ”


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