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The Ethereum Foundation has announced that the audit of the Pectra system contracts has resolved all identified issues.The Ethereum Foundation has just revealed the results of the audit conducted on the Pectra system contracts, covering three of its Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs)—EIP-2935, EIP-7002, and EIP-7251—out of the 11 included in Pectra.

根據基金會,審查期間確定的所有重大問題均已解決。 The primary objective of the audit was to assess potential vulnerabilities within the contracts and ensure that the contract logic aligns with the intended functions outlined in the Ethereum Improvement Proposals.

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The Pectra upgrade, which consolidates 11 EIPs, was deployed on the HOlesky Testnet將於2月24日,但在預期的時間範圍內沒有最終確定。 The key EIP within the upgrade is EIP-7702, which aims to enhance the user experience for crypto wallets by incorporating smart contract functionality, contributing to the broader goal of integrating account abstraction on Ethereum (ETH).

Another major proposal, EIP-7251, addresses validator staking by increasing the maximum staking limit from 32 ETH to 2,048 ETH.此更改旨在減輕驗證者在存放32多個ETH時必須在多個驗證器中分配賭注的挑戰。

Holesky是第一個對Pectra升級進行模擬的測試網。下一個測試計劃於3月5日針對Sepolia Testnet進行,儘管有可能延遲。根據Galaxy的Christine Kim的說法,以太坊開發人員可能會根據Holesky測試中遇到的問題的規模推遲Sepolia測試。但是,自從Pectra合同審計以來,l已經解決了重大問題,升級似乎仍在正軌。

目前定於4月8日舉行的pectra mainnet部署。

您可能會喜歡:Ethereum Pectra升級於4月8日為Mainnet安排在4月8日

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