凯特琳·西拉古萨(Kaitlyn Siragusa)是一个受欢迎的影响者,也称为阿穆兰特(Amouranth),针对本月初在德克萨斯州的家中。 Three armed assailants had broken into her bedroom, hit her repeatedly with a pistol, and ordered her to transfer digital assets.
She escorted them to another part of her Houston property where her husband fired a gun, and the robbers fled the scene.
Demarcus Morris Jr., who is 17 years old, has been charged with aggravated kidnapping and aggravated robbery with a deadly武器。 18岁的Dylan Nesho Campbell和19岁的Bryan Anthony Salazar Guerrero面临着同样的指控。
11月,西拉古萨(Siragusa)张贴了她在内衣上摆姿势的照片X, along with the caption: "Help! Do I sell or hold my BTC?"
A screenshot of her Coinbase account showed she had 211 BTC in her wallet—worth about $17.6 million at current market rates.
In an interview with FOX 26 Houston, Siragusa revealed that she was on the phone to her husband, who was in a separate part of their property, throughout the
“他们击落了我的门。这三个家伙进入了我的房间,打开了所有的灯,枪指着我,”她说。 “他们把我陷入了我房间的椅子上,正在审问我 - 掩盖我'加密货币在哪里?'一遍又一遍地。”