The price of Chainlink [LINK] was trading around $12, which was about 11% drop in 24 hours.
The 4-hour price action highlighted multiple Change of Character (CHoCH) and Break of Structure (BOS) points, indicating market structure and momentum changes.
Chainlink, trading in a downtrend from a high around $20.00, with CHoCH and BOS around $18.00, $16.00, and $ 14.00,确认了看涨的强度。
占16美元左右的高高(eqh)的扫描,其次是BOS以下的BOS低于$ 14.03,巩固了看跌的前景。来源:交易视图
,如果$ 12.00的链接可以持续$ 16.00- $ 16.00- $ 16.00- $ 16.00- $ 16.00.00;但是,如果看跌势头持续,
$ 12.00以下的故障可能会看到$ 10.00或更低的重新测试,可能是$ 8.00- $ 9.00。超过15美元的收盘价将使看跌的情况无效,但下降到12.00美元以下的情况将进一步确认。卷e and candle patterns near the area of $12.00 will be important for confirmation.
Determining LINK’s key levels from profitability charts…More analysis of LINK’s “In/Out of the Money Around Price” showed that $12.00 was currently the most important support level.
The “In the Money” addresses which was 43.78%, about 674.2M LINK volume, showed strong support at this level.
The “Out of the Money” accounted for 55.19%, about 605.8M LINK, which showed potential resistance above levels higher than the current price, where 1.13M LINK were at the money.
The 43.78% below $12.00 buying zone supports a potential bottom if LINK is heading lower, as buying demand is certain to hold this level.
A hold at this level can push LINK to the $14.00 resistance area, where selling pressure高。
$ 12.00以下的休息时间,其中只有0.98%甚至在休息时间,可以注册跌至$ 10.00,几乎没有支持。
此外,“盈利能力的主动地址”表明,这些持有人中的大多数以$ 4.00的价格购买了链接。
只有5.12%,约51.4万链接,是货币。 $ 4- $ 9.99的范围表明,如果链接下降,则可能是一个可能的支持区域,公牛队为防止进一步的损失而进行捍卫。
跌至$ 4的可能性仅在承受压力超越公牛的情况下才有可能。但是,54.46%的利润可能会导致购买获得挽救收益,从而限制损失约10美元。
在$ 12以下打破$ 12可能意味着要测试$ 10,但停留在上面可以看到链接反向。 “赚钱”持有人反映了很少的卖出压力,除非批量打击,否向下。