Controversial influencer Andrew Tate, and his brother Tristian Tate, are facing a new criminal investigation in Florida, following the pair being allowed to leave Romania and arriving in the enter the state last week.
As the news spread, Daddy Tate (DADDY), a token promoted by the self-proclaimed misogynist, briefly jumped 11% to a $34 million market cap amid an otherwise quiet meme硬币市场。虽然收益是短暂的。根据Dexscreener的说法,它已经降至3170万美元。
泰特兄弟(Tate Brothers)面临罗马尼亚人口贩运,性行为不端和洗钱的指控,法院限制了他们在该国特定地区内的运动。上周,两人通过私人飞机飞往佛罗里达州,在特朗普政府对旅行限制申请的罗马尼亚政府的压力之后。
在着陆后的一周内,佛罗里达州詹姆斯·乌斯米尔(James Uthmeier)的总检察长确认,有一个活跃的“活跃的CRIminal investigation” into the Tates because they have "publicly admitted” to “soliciting, trafficking, [and] preying upon women around the world—many of these victims coming forward, some of them minors.”
Uthmeier added on Tuesday that he had secured and executed subpoenas and warrants as part of the investigation.
Florida Attorney General @JamesUthmeierFL says he's对泰特兄弟,@cobratate&@tatethetalisman进行了刑事调查:
反应听到泰特面对又一次刑事调查,加密货币降级为32小时的市值为3400万美元,使爸爸降低了11.46%,这是Dex Screener。贩运业务奏效,并详细介绍了性暴力和身体暴力行为 - 他声称的大部分是开玩笑的。
2022年底,安德鲁(Andrew)和特里斯蒂安·泰特(Tristian Tate)在罗马尼亚被捕,罪名是人口贩运,性行为不当,洗钱,洗钱以及开始有组织的犯罪犯罪小组。从那以后,两人在旅行限制下等待了审判,他们拒绝了指控。
现在,当安德鲁·泰特(Andrew Tate)的名字再次变得相关时,爸爸会抽水。当他上周从罗马尼亚登上私人飞机时,Daddy在当前的Meme Coin Market上,这种价格变动令人印象深刻。尽管如此,爸爸仍然下降了85%
由Stacy Elliott。