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The U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control has sanctioned Nemesis operator Behrouz Parsarad, an Iranian national who allegedly had full control over the darknet marketplace and its cryptocurrency wallets.

U.S., German and Lithuanian officials seized Nemesis’s servers in March 2024, but OFAC reports that the Iran-based Parsarad had since discussed establishing a replacement for the

根据OFAC的说法,帕萨拉德(Parsarad帕萨拉德(ParsaradER合成阿片类药物。 Nemesis运营商将其发送到其他地方,包括他用来兑现比特币和Monero的三个集中式交流。


“克星还促进了出售虚假身份证明文件和黑客攻击工具,使网络犯罪分子能够到劫持受害者的​​在线帐户和通信,”他说。 “重要的是,TRM能够直接在敌人和中国药物P之间的链条上发现recursor manufacturers with funds being sent directly from Nemesis vendors to Chinese DPMs.”

While Nemesis was a significant darknet marketplace internationally, it wasn’t quite as big as some of its Russia-based counterparts.

“There were way bigger players: In comparison, Hydra Market, a Russian-language darknet marketplace operational from 2015 until its shutdown in April 2022, had 17 million用户和19,000名卖家,估计一生的收入为50亿美元。”犯罪。


正如Redboard所说:“增强的区块链智能,国际合作和积极的制裁使这些机构在检测,破坏和拆除非法加密货币燃料的生态系统方面更加有效。 2024年,从16亿美元到17亿美元。

由Stacy Elliott编辑。

关键词: 比特币