以太坊的创始人维塔克·布特林(Vitalik Buterin)呼吁“真正健壮的钱包解决方案”降低了意外加密损失的风险。
- vitalik.eth(@vitalikbuterin),2025年2月28日,2025年2月28日
这位31岁的年轻人一直是社交恢复的倡导者 - 并写了一个社交,并在1月2021年1月202111年1月
他说,备用设备或纸钱包,朋友和家人,或机构或机构最终可以担任监护人。 Buterin himself revealed last year that he keeps the bulk of his own crypto holdings in a multisig Safe wallet.
Earlier this year, Bitcoin exchange River estimated about 1.6 million BTC has been lost forever—and there's no shortage of horror stories out there.
Decrypt has regularly reported on James Howells's battle to recover a hard drive containing 8,000 BTC that he threw away in 2013.目前是洛杉矶
去年,在威尔士垃圾填埋场的某个地方,巴西YouTuber因“压力”而住院后,由于失去了装有价值数十万美元比特币的硬件钱包。 And back in 2020, Crypto skeptic and gold fan Peter Schiff lost “all the Bitcoin I have ever owned” after failing to write down his seed phrase—perhaps explaining his well-documented antipathy towards Bitcoin.
More recently, True Ventures partner Kevin Rose revealed that he lost his home in the California wildfires and the Trezor hardware wallets inside—and has been left temporarily unable to access他的加密钥匙在附近的银行保险箱中举行。