美国议员们正在反对有争议的“ Defi Broker规则”,该规则要求分散交易所和数字资产经纪人向IRS报告交易详细信息。 tOn 26 February, the House Ways and Means Committee voted 26-16 to advance a resolution seeking to repeal the rule before its scheduled implementation in 2027.
Source: Ways and Means Committee/X
Originally approved by the IRS on 5 December, the regulation aims to expand reporting requirements, compelling brokers to disclose cryptocurrency sale proceeds and taxpayer details.
与这些担忧相呼应,Defi教育基金的首席执行官Miller Whitehouse-Levine称该规则为“违法和违宪的过度”。他强调需要废除“保护美国人在交易方面的选择自由”。说,废除Defi Broker规则的努力反映了共和党对参议院和众议院的控制所驱动的美国加密法规的更广泛的转变。
This shift is already evident, as the SEC has withdrawn multiple enforcement actions against crypto firms throughout February – Sign of a more lenient regulatory approach.
Trump’s pro-crypto movesAdditionally, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Trump also accused major banks, including JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America, of engaging in “politically driven de-banking.”当时,他声称他们在监管压力下排除了保守党。