Related wallet addresses with STAR10 teams only cost 80 BNBs to buy 12.24% of the total supply of STAR10 tokens
12 hours ago 3,992
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According to Lookonchain monitoring, wallets related to the STAR10 team (@10Ronaldinho) spent only 80 BNBs (worth $50,000) to buy 122.45 million STAR10 tokens (accounting for 12.24% of the total supply).
Address 0x01D9...E14D spent 80 BNBs (worth $50,000) to buy 122.45 million STAR10 tokens and sold 10 million STAR10 tokens for 433 BNBs (worth $270,000), with 121.44 million STAR10 tokens remaining (worth $33.5 million, accounting for 12.14% of the total supply).
Address 0x01D9...E14D transferred 0.15 BNBs as handling fee (gas fee) to STAR10 team wallet (0x8218...AF37). Address 0x01D9...E14D and Developer Wallet (0xb36E...790d) both received funds from Allbridge.